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The Nanyuki Furaha Foundation

Contact Person: Andreina Iorio, Cleopas Wachira; Telephone Number: +254 713918716;


We met Andreina Iorio, The Nanyuki Furaha Foundation’s co-founder in 2014 together with Cleopas Wachira. The Association seats in Kenya in the city of Nanyuki.

Andreina and Cleopas started their mission in 2013 inside a street children shelter managed by the local Kenyan government in Nanyuki, city in the middle of this African country.
They told us that unfortunately the shelter wasn’t really well managed. That’s why they decided to help those children directly by hosting them at home.
Happiness is the guideline of The Nanyuki Furaha Foundation and the translation of the furaha Swahili word.

The Association was born with the objective to rescue street children, children with difficulties and orphans. The main goal is the rehabilitation and reinsertion of those children in their families. For the first years The Nanyuki Furaha Foundation has been relayed on Italian external associations in order to collect the necessary resources and to find where to host the children. From December 2014 to May 2015 they relayed on the Africa Milele Onlus centre but since July 2015 they have been collaborating with Col cuore per l’Africa Onlus from Mondovì (CN).
At the moment the Association is running an ex-school structure and a farm for self-sustainment products production. Up to date the hosted children are quite 40, each one with the own history and past of pain to tell about.

The Nanyuki Furaha Foundation is going to obtain the NGO status from the local government soon. The future objective is to buy its own land and build a new centre with structures, labs, meeting areas and vocational skills classes.IMG_8919

In Italy the Association is mostly relying on Col cuore per l’Africa Onlus and no fundraising events have been undertaken yet. But it is possible to contact The Nanyuki Furaha Foundation to start potential volunteer experiences on the field. The students from the Medicine University Department should have the opportunity to do their internship in Kenya.

Xlestrade asked them for a message to leave us. Andreina highlighted how The Nanyuki Furaha Foundation is not only a Children’s Home but a real family, open and available to anyone would like to be in contact with it.

We would like to thank Andreina as she contacted us to tell us about “her enthusiasm and her happiness” despite the big difficulties! We wish them to travel along their road still for a long time hoping to do it together!

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Traduzione a cura di Monica Zambon